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Register for PSAT and SAT


SFUSD will host the 2024 Digital PSAT/NMSQT exam for SFUSD students on Saturday, October 12, 2024, at 8:30 a.m. at Lowell High School.

Registration will be open to all 10th and 11th grade SFUSD students from August 19 to September 27, 2024. The

cost is $18; and no cost for only free and reduced lunch students in the 11th grade. See for registration and more information.

UC/CSU and many other universities are no longer accepting SAT for consideration for admission and the PSAT is completely optional. If you have questions about whether the PSAT is right for you, please see your high school counselor.

If students have previously-approved SSD accommodations through College Board, the accommodations will be automatically applied to the PSAT. If you don't have approved accommodations via College Board, you will need to contact your school's SSD coordinator Katie ( to apply and see if you get approved in time for the PSAT.


SFUSD will host the digital SAT exam for only SFUSD students on Monday, October 14, 2024, at 8:30 a.m. at Lowell High School.

SFUSD will be hosting a SAT School Day at Lowell High School for only SFUSD students on Monday, October 14, 2024, starting at 8:30 am, ending by 12 noon. Monday, October 14th is a SFUSD school holiday, Indigenous Peoples' Day. There are no makeup dates for this testing opportunity.

Registration will be open to only 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students from any SFUSD high school from August 19th to September 30th. The cost is $60 (less than the current digital SAT weekend exam cost of $68). No cost for current 11th and 12th grade students qualified for free or reduced lunch. For 11th and 12th grade free/reduced lunch students, the SAT School Day does not count as using one of your two weekend SAT fee waivers, if qualified.

How to register for the digital SAT for only SFUSD students: Visit the registration website at, create a regismart account, and select Lowell High School (since it is the testing site and registration host) when asked for your high school. You will only need to complete Step 1 (student information, Step 2 (parent information, and Step 5 (registration for SAT School Day) and payment. When completing the SAT School Day registration during Step 5, you will indicate your actual SFUSD high school when asked. No need to complete Steps 3 and 4 for emergency or medical information.

This SAT testing opportunity is open only to SFUSD high school students in Grades 10-12. Test day is Monday, October 14, 2024, and there is no makeup date for this SAT test administration. On test day, you will need to bring your valid physical picture ID, fully-charged device with the Bluebook app installed


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